I am citizen of India. I am above 18 years.I am not a member of any other political party registered with the Election Commission of India. Iam not a member of any poltical party whose views, policies or actions are in conflict with the objective of the MUSLIMS FEDERATION OF INDIA (MFI). I have not been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude. I have full faith in the MUSLIMS FEDERATION OF INDIA (MFI) objective and vision. I shall bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and would uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India. I hereby consent to receiving any communication from MUSLIMS FEDERATION OF INDIA (MFI) or the party either in writing, electronically and/or in any audio-visual format via phone (including SMS/MMS), email and/or at my address. The particulars and statements made hereunder are correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed or withheld. I request you to admit me as MUSLIMS FEDERATION OF INDIA (MFI)’s member. I render information related to my membership as under |