(Regd No. 3167 of 2001)
National Committee : 185, 2nd Road Sainik Vihar, Madhuranagar RK Puram
(PO) Secunderabad. Telangana State - 500 056 Phone & WhatsApp. 91-9948293679.
PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA "WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved and constituted India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
Services being provided by Federation (SIMILAR TO NEWS PORTAL'S HEADINGS)
(1). Legal Advice (2) Self employment Avenues (3). Govt job Vacancies (4) Domestic Violence (5) Youth Affairs (6) Islamic Studies (7) Sports (8) Islamic Cultural (9). A-Z Services (10) Mummy's Food (11) Schools/Colleges (12) Clinics Doctor / Nurse (13) Amena Orphanage (14). Self Help Groups (15) Small Business Ventures (16) Tutorials (17) Women & Child Welfare
Assalamu Alikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatahu,
INCEPTION OF MUSLIM FEDERATION Muslim Federation of India (formerly known as Mohammedan Parishad-(Regd No. 3167 of 2001)
After getting Military Authorities locked Masjids in Filter Bed Colony between First Lancer - SD Hospital-Mehdipatnam- Rethi Bowli, Hyderabad in 2001 by the Founder President Editor Indian White Paper and Advocate MA Mujeeb, his father / Late M.A.Hameed Saheb son of Freedom Fighter and Martyr Sir Thurab Ali. advised Janab Mujeeb Saheb to continue organize and run apolitical NGO having jurisdiction across the nation Janab Mujeeb saheb complied the advise of his father ......
e, the members of our MUSLIM FEDERATION IN ITS FIRST GENERAL BODY PROMOTION MEETING held on 14th Day of January, 2001, PROMOTED, MUSLIM FEDERATION and ADOPTED, ENACTED AND GIVEN TO OURSELVES ourselves our umbrella organization "Muslim Federation of India (MFI) an NGO for promotion of empowerment avenues, welfare, socio-economic and political justice to Muslims across India. headed by its National President of Muslim Federation M.A. Mujeeb, MPM L.L.B., (Advocate at Higher Judiciary, Editor, IAF Veteran, grandson of Freedom Fighter Sir Thurab Ali) wishes to appraise about the deteriorating condition of Muslims in India. Thus the Muslim Federation (Muslim Federation of India - MFI) came into being to safeguard and promote the socio-economic, educational, self employment and political avenues for the Muslim Society across India.,
MUSLIM FEDERATION @ Muslims Federation of India (MFI) is a REGISTERED Society for the welfare and empowerment in all their constitutional fields at the national level, regional level, local level across India by uniting all Muslims under its umbrella.
I. Main Aims & Objectives of MUSLIM FEDERATION :
(i) MUSLIM FEDERATION educates Muslims with their constitutional rights and deliver progressive and competitive services, in promoting jobs proportional to their population in the Government and the public sector, business etc to himself, his family, Village, District, State and the nation.
(ii) Protect the Muslims and their properties protect the Waqf properties in various States.
(iii) Work for Welfare and Empowerment of Muslims across India by affiliating Muslim Societies / Organisation / NGOs.
(iv) Render services of MUSLIMS to the matters of national integration, national building, communal harmony, unity among various sections of Indian Society for the national building collective and promote integration between SCs, STs, EBCs, EWS, Muslim and other Minorities
(v) Fight for the protection of Muslims through the Constitution of Muslims.
(vi) Fight foir the allocation of budgetary provisions to Muslims on par with their population in proportion to their share in payment
(vii) And any other constitutional aims as decided by federation's NATIONAL General Body from time to time.
II. There is Equality between all members of the Federation's Committee Members headed by President of the Village / CIVIC WARD GBM, who guides and motivate respective committee members and for the success of respective General Body in resolving such burning matters as under: .
III. Democracy in MUSLIM FEDERATION : Muslims Federation is also called Muslims Federation of India (MFI) draws its operational WILL from its General Body Meetings (GBMs) at each Village / Municipal Ward, Mandal / Block, District, State and all India level.
IV. There is separate General Body Meetings and Executive and Home Committees for Muslim Men and Women respectively: There shall be separate General Body Meetings one for Muslim Men another for Muslim Women at each Village/Civic Division GBM elects respective committee members or National President nominates or recalls Executive Committee (for Men) members and Home Committee (for girls and women) members among them consisting of a President, Vice President (s), General Secretary, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and 3 Members. Each committee addresses MUSLIM FEDERATION'S objectives in their respective area and works for the UNITY OF MUSLIMS AND FOR THEIR all round development and Welfare through the Constitutional means.
V. The respective GBM elects its respective Executive Committee members or Home Committee members consisting of a President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary, Secretaries, Jt Secretary, Treasure and 3 Executive Members. The respective committee is answerable to all the Muslims through their General Body and also to their respective Higher Committee(s). The Village/Civic Division GHM deputes three members each for the Block / Mandal General Body, District General Body, State General Body and the National General Body.
VI. Village or Civic Ward or Upper Committee will strive to organise and run Schools, Colleges, Clinics or Hospitals, guide Muslim youth to establish their self employment Units or Self Help Group's units by taking use of the Local Government or State Government and Government of India's policies.
(i) MUSLIM FEDERATION's Village / Municipal Ward General Body : MUSLIM FEDERATION's Village / Municipal Ward General Body (GB) at Village/Ward will consist of all Muslims men and women members (above age 14 years, who is not insane or not bankrupt or not convicted in the Village / Municipal Ward that GBM reviews and forecasts, plans, coordinates the socio-economic advancement, empowerment, welfare, self respect and constitutional rights of the Muslims.

(ii) MUSLIM FEDERATION's Mandal or Block General Body: Six delegates 3 each among Muslim Men and Muslim Women as elected by respected Village / Division or as nominated by the President from respective village in Mandal/Block forms Muslim Federation's Mandal or Block Men GBM and one Mandal or Block Zanana (Woman) GBM who who shall elect respective Mandal Committee to resolve the issues pertaining to Muslims in respective Mandal.

(iii). MUSLIM FEDERATION's Division / Parliament Constituency General Body: Each Village/ward GBM in such Division / MP PC deputes three (men) members each three (women or girl) members member delegate or as nominated by the President shall represent at the Division Parliament Constituency General Body and elect committee elect its PC Committee to resolve the issues pertaining to Muslims in respective Division / Parliament Constituency areas.

(iv) MUSLIM FEDERATION's District General Body : Six delegates 3 each among Muslim Men and Women or Girls as elected from each District General Body or as nominated by the National President forms respective District GBM will form District Men GB and one District Zanana (Woman) GB who shall elect respective District Committee to resolve the issues pertaining to Muslms in respective District.

(v). MUSLIM FEDERATION's State General Body: Six delegates 3 each among Muslim men and 3 among Muslim Women or as nominated by the National or State President from respective State Men GB and one State Zanana (Woman) GB who shall elect respective State Committee to resolve the issues pertaining to Muslims in respective State.

(vi). MUSLIM FEDERATION's National General Body : Six delegates 3 each among Muslim men and 3 among Muslim Women from respective District in the nation or as nominated by the National President will form All India Men GB and All India Zanana (Woman) GB who shall form NGB and elect respective National Committee to resolve the issues pertaining to all Muslims in the nation.
The following are some of the MUSLIM FEDERATION aims and objectives.

(1) Lay a road map for the all round advancement of the Muslims.
(2) Fight for the educational, professional and employment advancement of the Muslims.
(3) Promote self help groups, SSIs, Cottage Industries among the Muslims men and Women at each Village or Civic Division.
(4) Fight for the constitutional rights of the Muslims at each village to national level.
(5) Fight for reservation of 12% to BC-Muslims-support Moolavasy OBCs 40% reservation, for Moolavasy SCs 20 %, for Moolavasy STs 10% reservation, EWS - 3%, Christians for 5%, 5 reservation for Ex Servicemen and persons laid their lives for the nation, by mutual support for their empowerment in the executive, legislature & the judiciary in proportion to their respective population.
(6) Protect lives, properties and self respect of Muslims by assuring that MUSLIM FEDERATION stands by every Muslim and no Muslim is alone. (7) Promote exclusive schools, colleges with hostels for Muslim children of the members of MUSLIM FEDERATION.
(8) Fight for the self employment loans for Muslims unemployed.
(9) Promote cottage or small scale and large scale industries for Muslims industrialisation.
(10) Guide Muslims to establish their Trade, Industries and promote such Professional Federation's branch at each District Level with Head Office and regional Offices at National and State HQs.
(11) To represent the problems of Muslims at the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.
(12) Provide legal aid to protect properties of Muslims and render family counselling to Muslims, to contain/stop domestic violence.
(13) Promote avenues for self employment to Muslims and its sister concerned confederation’s members.
(14) Provide medical aid to poor members through confederation's hospitals.
(15) Promote leadership among Muslims and its confederation’s members as the Councillors, Sarpanch, MPTCs, ZPTCs, ZP Chairman, MLAs, MLCs and MPs.
(16) Promote products manufactured and services provided by the Muslims and OBCs, SCs, STs
(17) Give coaching to the children of its poor members, admit their children in the Govt Schools.
(18) Encourage Muslim farmers for commercial and profit making farming.
(19) Provide house sites, houses, and flats, fight for allotment of government plots to Muslims.
(20) Organise coaching for IAS, IPS, and Commissioning in Armed Forces etc.,
(21) Fight against ENEMIES OF Muslims through peaceful demonstrations, hanger strikes, legal and democratic means.
(22) Organise and run Madrasas in imparting Islamic Education and promoting Islamic Culture.
(23) Fight for the allocation of Separate space for Qawateen in Masajids.
(24) Support lawful Masjid Committees members, punish and punish erring Masjid Committees members encouraging Muslim Girls (having no knowledge of basic tenets of Islam ) in becoming Hindus by marriages to non Muslim boys.
(25) Abide by the constitutional advice of Muslim Federation and its affiliated political party with the key role of Muslims and proportional participation of other Bahujans "Bahujana Rashtra Samithi (BRS)". Among Others
Due to disunity of 95 percent commoners OBCs, SCs, STs & Minorities, this majority Moolavasi population being 97 per cent in India, 3% Aryan Manuwadies are trying to make Moolavasies OBCs, SCs, STs and Minorities as Shudras, the unpaid servants of early 3% Aryan invaders of India by bring-in Manusmriti and replacing the Constitution of India to make India into Hindu Raaj. Hindutva is controlled by upper caste - Brahmin, Business controlled by another upper class Vyasyas, politics by another Upper Class the Xethriya under Manusmriti Constitution. Though the Muslims are more than 18 % of the population, they can be solid supporters to 50% of OBCs, 30% Dalits in formation of Bahujana Governments at the Center, States and Local Govts.

Due to our self centered attitude, non planning of self, family and non accountability to our societies, we the OBC, SCs, STs Muslim and Other Minorities Bahujans continue to suffer and are abused by 3% Aryans. Unity among Bahujans is necessary to help themselves to live with self respect and for their empowerment and welfare.


Voice of MFI: Indian White Paper English News Portal is Voice of the Muslims Federation of India. Visit its online edition Members’ classified ads are published free of cost in the News Portal.
Annual Membership fee: The membership fee is used for its village/ward committee in achieving its objectives at village or ward level. The membership fee is subject to audit by its members through GBM and also by the internal and external auditors. The annual membership fee is as under :
(i) Poor below poverty line : 1/-.
(ii) Lower Middle Class : Rs. 50/-
(iii) Upper Middle Class: Rs. 100/-
(iv) Income Tax Payers : As Desired
(V) Zakat, Fithra, Athiya, Hadiya or donations can be given to MUSLIM FEDERATION's Schools, Colleges, Madrasas, Orphanages, shelter homes directly after visiting such homes and giving your advice to improve Federation's service and its accountability to respective Muslim Federation General Body and Committee.

Accountability of Muslim Federation: Respective General Body approves Internal or External Auditing.
Muslims Federation's National Committee President and Respective State President are as under:

National Founder President : MA Mujeeb, M.P.M, LLB., (Advocate, High Court & IAF-Veteran)
Editor, Indian White Paper - English Daily:
Whatsapp / Mobile : 9948293679

National Qawateen President : Mrs Atiya Sultana (Managing Editor :
Indian White Paper & Managing Partner of Annu Estates Promoters & Developers)

Telangana State President: Md Rahel Ahmed, (Advocate, High Court of Telangana State) Telangana Muslim Youth President: Advocate Md. Sajid Mujeeb (Member of Andhra Pradesh Advocates Cricket Team) Office: 115, Jamuna Towers, Nalgonda X Roads, Malakpet, Hyderabad 500032. Mob & whatsapp : 90592 89795 )

Andhra Pradesh State President: Shaik Nabi Saheb

Tamilnadu State: Syed Jaffer Shariff

Karnataka President: Dr (Mrs). Syeda Muskan Jahan

Kerala President: Mohammed Khaja Basha Etc.,

National Committee Plot No.185, 2nd Road Sainik Vihar, Madhuranagar RK Puram (PO) Secunderabad. Hyderabad Telangana State India - 500 056 Phone & Whatsapp. 91-9948293679. email :

Telangana State Office : Plot No.186, Sainik Vihar, Madhuranagar RK Puram (PO) Secunderabad. Hyderabad Telangana State India - 500 056

Hyderabad Office: 115, Jamuna Towers, Nalgonda X Roads, Malakpet, Hyderabad 500032. Mob & whatsapp : 90592 89795 website :